Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Tell me sweet little lies.

Just got back from outside. I was finishing up a nice cigar and sipping some decent Johnnie Walker Red. It's been raining pretty hard for the last few days and decided to slack off a bit tonight. That being said, the Kneeling Drunkard has some more drinking left to do and needs to get this post out of the way.
My last post left off with a good question. Why do we accept such deplorable behavior from our politicians? The answer is easy. They give us money. Well, not exactly give us money, more like give us our money back. Money that is held from our paychecks. We will forgive anyone if they bribe us with enough money. And that is exactly what goes on with every district. Pork spending has had some renewed coverage of late. The electorate is outraged at spending lines that other congressmen put into budgetary bills. But when it gets to their district, well, that money is completely justified dammit.
This isn't my longest or strongest post, but I'm tired and angry, and let's face it, ready to get the hell off the Rock. Since the Big Kahuna guarantees a democratic republic, each citizen is granted the right to vote for a representative. You get the guy who gets the most votes, usually the guy who lies the best during his campaign. And then he is going to give you what you deserve; good and hard. The responsibility lies with the electorate to send the man with the most integrity to DC. Otherwise you will not get leadership. You will get pandering.
And if you give a damn about what the Kneeling Drunkard thinks here is what you need to look for in a pol:
1. Never vote for a guy who promises you ANYTHING on the campaign trail. He is just setting himself to break his word or buy you off with pork projects.
2. Look for the guy who says that he doesn't want to spend a career in office. 6-12 years is long enough to get something done and still remember where you came from.
3. Vote for Hemingway instead of Shakespeare. A man that can answer a yes or no question with a yes or no is rare.
4. Avoid voting for a politician for the House. 6-12 years up there will make him one.
5. Don't vote for someone who smiles too much.
6. Don't send politicians to the Senate. Send leaders. That job is too important to leave to amateurs.
7. Don't vote for anyone who is for tax cuts if they are not for spending cuts.
8. Don't vote for anyone who is for raising taxes if they are not for spending cuts.
9. Don't vote for anyone who is not for spending cuts.
10. Vote for the man that brings solutions and leadership that don't expand the size of the government.

Remember, those who control the money and the ability to raise money have the power. Guess where that authority resides?


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